Thursday, 1 June 2017


there was once a boy

who didn't know love.

He lived in an empty mansion

with creaking hallways

and looming walls.

all alone.

there was once a girl

who loved with everything she had.

She didn't have much,

but her heart she gave to all.

it broke her.

He was told he had potential.

She was told she had no chance.

He was told he was a prodigy.

She was told she was worthless.

He thought they were wrong.

She thought they were right.

they were different

in every way

it was possible to be.

the odds were stacked against them.

He, rich. She, poor.

society simply did not allow it.

the barrier was strong

separating them.

rich, from poor.

lucky, from unlucky.

but no matter.

once there was a boy and a girl

who loved each other more than anything.

He took her,

made her his queen.

and the world suffered

because of it.

By Millie Alchin

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